The Deep Dive | Kylie Wolfig
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The Deep Dive

A Life-Changing Shift in your Mind Body & Soul

A one-on-one experience with Kylie Wolfig over 30 Days

Is it time to let go of the FATIGUE of life, health, purpose, relationships and money?

Are you ready to spend a full 30 Days on just YOU?

This Deep Dive will enlighten you, inspire you, and change you in ways you could never expect... because YOU are magical!

“Enjoyable sessions, a mind buzz. I felt like a knowledgeable friend was assisting me as I navigate my way in life.”

Marie Kibble

Over these very special 30 Days we will cover:


This Deep Dive is for you if...

... you have decided it is time to stop feeling

Angry, Frustrated, Bitter or Disappointed

with where you are right now and know it is time for

Peace, Satisfaction, Success and Surprise!

What you receive on your Deep Dive


  • Your Unique Human Design chart along with a connection Chart with the person of your choosing to help you understand what each of you brings to the relationship. Your Human Design chart does not have a Use-By date, rather it continues to enlighten you about yourself till the day you last draw breath on this magical adventure we call Life. You know how parents always complain their child didn't come with a manual???? Now they can...!!


  • 4 x Individual Sessions with Kylie over the 30 days which is a space to just to be. These sessions could be called counselling, guidance, healing sessions, Human design Readings, Relationship Coaching, or Intuitive Coaching... they are different for everyone and what is needed to be covered is different for everyone, which makes it really hard to tell you exactly what will happen in our sessions together. However, they are always enlightening!


  • A Your Purpose is You Workbook that is for understanding the Mind Body and Soul of who you are. You do not need to complete this during The Journey, it is simply a great guide to walk you through your physical health and your conscious thoughts about yourself whenever you are in a space you are ready to do that.


  • Finally, a 1:1 Facebook Group that only has You and Kylie in it is a new addition, and it means that we can communicate with each other whenever the inspiration strikes. I can film videos for you in answer to any questions you have and no matter what the timezone, it is always there. This private group is then archived for 6 months to give you a chance to download or note anything you wish to keep before it is removed. We use a Facebook Group because it has become evident over the years that nobody wants an extra portal to log into to view their information, that's just more stuff...


Human Design Chart

A Chart all about YOU and how you navigate this world to your fullest potential plus a connection chart 


4 x Sessions 1:1

Counselling, guidance, Whatever you want to call it, we talk about YOU and your dreams and how to get there


Your "YOU" Workbook

Over 50 pages of getting to know you on a physical and conscious level, like getting to know your crush


1:1 Private Group

A 1:1 Private Facebook Group to be able to communicate freely and easily, at any time, for any reason

  • Is The DEEP DIVE right for you?

    15 min

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